3 Best Exercises for Chest Mass
A powerful, dense, muscular chest is high on the list of most body builders, both pro}} and amateur. Unfortunately, there is so much bad info out there when it comes to properly working the pecs}} that chests like I just described are becoming rare these days.
The big key to building the chest you want is to select exercises that maximally activate the pectoral motor units. The first movement that springs to mind for most body builders when they think of chest exercises is the barbell bench press. But the bench press is not a great pec builder unless you happen to have the optimal leverage for it. On top of that, most people do the bench press incorrectly. If you put together bad leverages and bad technique it's no wonder you feel the bench more in your delts and triceps than in your chest!
Let's take a look at three of my favorite chest building exercises. It is important to keep in mind that if these are done with bad technique you are short-changing your muscle gains and may be setting yourself up for injury. To prevent this from happening make sure to get some technique tips from an expert so that you can build the chest you want without getting hurt.
Paused Barbell Bench Press
I realize I just got finished saying that the flat bench press is not the best chest building exercise, however there are particular variations that do hit the chest rather well, assuming you perform them properly. The paused barbell bench press is one such variation. By pausing the bar at the chest for one to ten seconds before pressing it back to lockout you eliminate the stretch reflex and lose any stored elastic energy you created during the eccentric. This will make pressing the weight back up much more difficult, but it will also require your pecs to create a huge amount of force in order to launch the weight from your chest back to the starting position.
Standing Cable Crossovers
While different versions of the bench press are good, to really isolate on the pecs you need to work on the flying motion. This can be done with a variety of exercises, but I really prefer the cable crossover here because of the consistent tension the pulley gives you throughout the entire range of motion. The key here is to concentrate on getting a good stretch at the start and continuing to keep constant tension on the pecs throughout the entire movement. This is a fantastic concluding exercise to any chest session.
45-degree Incline DB Bench Press
One of the typical complaints of bodybuilders is not just their overall chest size, but their upper chest size especially. Incline chest exercises are a great solution to this because they emphasize the clavicular portion of the pectorals, which gives the appearance of a more full chest, without giving you a saggy looking chest. The use of dumbbells is a good addition here as they will allow you to get a deeper stretch in the bottom of the exercise. This deep stretch stimulates a lot of underused motor units in the upper pectorals which can spur new muscle growth.
Keep in mind that while these exercises are great for building a muscular chest, they must be done with the proper technique in order to get the most benefit.
About the Author
See video and get tips on flat DB bench press and more of the best exercises to build chest strength
The Best Triceps Exercises
The triceps are one of the most underrated muscle groups. After all, they contribute significantly more to your overall arm size than your biceps, and they are a key muscle group in all pressing exercises. Is there a lifter out there who doesn't want bigger arms and a stronger bench press?
With this is in mind it should seem obvious that building your triceps should be a priority if you want to get bigger and stronger. The problem is that most bodybuilders don't know how to train their triceps properly. You will often see bodybuilders wasting valuable energy on things like pushdowns and kickbacks. Now, there isn't anything wrong with these exercises, but the majority of your time would be much better spent on compound exercises which allow for heavy loads to be used.
In fact, you simply can't properly stimulate all of the muscle fibers in the triceps without incorporating some exercises which allow for heavy weights to be used. In general it is best to hit 1 or 2 heavy compound exercises and then move on to an isolation exercise to squeeze the last little bit out of your muscles.
With this in mind let's take a look at three great exercises for your triceps:
Triceps Skullcrushers
This is probably the bodybuilding exercise with the scariest name. After all, who wants their skull crushed? But the exercise is aptly named because it is performed lying down on your back on a bench with a barbell at arm's length. You will then flex at the elbows and lower the bar until it touches your forehead. Obviously if you do this in an uncontrolled manner it will hurt your skull!
The key to this exercise is to make sure the stress stays on the triceps. To do this you want the elbows tucked in and pointed towards the ceiling. It is important that you only flex and straighten the elbows and that you do not move them forward or backward, or you will shift the stress off the triceps.
While this exercise is traditionally done by touching the bar to the forehead, you can vary the point at which you touch in order target specific sections of the triceps. In general, shifting lower on the body, such as the chin, will hit the medial head harder, while shifting higher on the body will hit the long head harder.
Triceps Dips
This is the classic tricep mass builder. Dips are probably responsible for building more tricep msucle mass than any other exercise. This is from the combination of heavy loading and targeted stress that they provide to the triceps. When you first begin lifting you may have difficulty completing more than a couple of these, but as you progress it is important to continue adding weight by using a dumbbell between your feet or a specialized dip belt. The addition of external loading will allow you to continue to progress in this exercise once you are capable of easily handling your body weight.
As with most triceps exercises, the key to proper performance is to keep your elbows tight to the body. This means using a close grip on the dip bars. It also means that you should use an upright posture without too much forward lean. Leaning forward shifts more of the stress to the deltoids and chest, which is not what we want for our goal of bigger triceps. Optimally, you should descend into the bottom of the exercise until your upper arms were parallel with the ground. However, this may cause shoulder pain in a good percentage of lifters, and in this case you should either shorten the range of motion or discard the exercise altogether.
Close-grip Bench Press
If this isn't the king of the triceps exercises, then it is pretty close. The ability to use heavy loads due to synergy from your pecs and front deltoids allows you to completely overload the triceps and force them to grow. While you want to work on continually getting stronger, you should not sacrifice correct form for weight. With this exercise it important to keep the elbows tucked into your body throughout the movement in order to keep as much stress as possible on the triceps. Even with a close grip the stress can be taken off of the triceps and onto the elbow joints if you don't keep the elbows tucked in tight. This obviously not only diminishes your muscle growth, but can lead to elbow and wrist problems as well.
As you can see perfect technique is crucial to your success with triceps exercises, just as it is with all exercises. You can perform exercises incorrectly and still get some of the benefit, but you will never see great results and you may just hurt yourself in the process. Because of this it is highly recommended that you learn how to do these exercises properly from an expert in the field.
About the Author
See video and get tips on California Presses and other exercises in the free body building exercises technique guide.
Do sportsmen or sports ladies need body building supplemnts
When you are looking for top advice about body building supplements, it will be easier said than done separating value-packed advice from ill-advised body building supplements submissions and help so it's prudent to know ways of moderating the information offered to you.
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Here are several guidelines that we think you should use when you are searching for information about body building supplements. You need to realize any recommendation we present to you is only relevant to internet information about body building supplements. Unfortunately we are unable to provide any guidance or tips for conducting research offline.
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Bodybuilding supplement store sells ABB Pure Pro, Carbo Force, Ripped Force, Adrenalin Stack, Lean Protein, Mass Recovery, and Extreme XXL.
An excellent tip to follow when you're presented with help or advice about a body building supplements web site is to verify the ownership of the website. This may show you who owns the site body building supplements identifications The fastest way to determine who owns the body building supplements site is to find the 'about' page.
Any worthwhile website providing information on body building supplements, will always have contact information which will record the site owner's contact details. The details should let you know some key points concerning the owner's requisite knowledge. This enables you to make an assessment about the webmaster's training and understanding, to offer guidance about body building supplements.
About the author:
hugh campbell is the webmaster for http://www.body-buildingsupplements- 1st.info
Information About natural bodybuilding
It may sound surprising but it is possible to build your body naturally. You could be doing any type of work but you will actually develop some muscles while doing it. Natural bodybuilding has become a sport. In the process of natural development of the body there is no use of any artificial substances. You have to remain free of drugs for 5 years and prove it.
There are many substances that are banned from people to use who take part in natural weightlifting competitions. You must understand the different kinds of drugs and foods and the reason for them being banned. They can be found in various forms like:
• different supplements
• foods
• anabolic agents
• narcotics
• stimulants
• narcotic analgesics
• diuretics
• many peptide hormones
For taking part in natural weightlifting you have to be careful about a few things like:
• you can't use any artificial means to increase muscle mass
• staying totally drug-free for five years
• taking blood, urine, other tests
Natural way of developing muscle mass is a great way to improve your health, fitness as well as life. For most competitions you must stay away from banned substances for more than a year, and you must be careful as they have strict rules if you test positive. You may be banned for competing for life. In fact you will see that it is more fun to develop your body without using any artificial means. These competitions are also good for people who don't want to use banned substances.
People of all ages, women as well as children can take part in natural bodybuilding and weight lifting. You need to keep free from products that have been banned to take part in any natural competition.
Article Source: http://www.approvedarticles.com
Use Free Bodybuilding Tips With Care
Rest Intervals
Many experts give free bodybuilding tips on various aspects. Exercise is the most important feature related to bodybuilding. When you are training, a useful free bodybuilding tip is to keep rest intervals between sets at 45 to 60 seconds. This gives your muscles enough time to recover, and at the same time they are fatigued.
Sequence Of Muscles
Another important free bodybuilding tip is to train the biggest muscle groups first. The smaller muscles fatigue faster than the bigger ones, so if they are trained first, the bigger ones do not get a chance to work out properly. There are some free bodybuilding tips given regarding the sequence of the exercises, which every bodybuilder should consider.
The sequence of the muscles to be trained is from the biggest to the smallest ones. The big muscles are the thighs, back and the chest, for which the workout should be done first. If you decide to train all the big muscles on the same day, the order among them does not matter. After this come the smaller muscles, which are the shoulders, biceps, triceps and calves.
The free bodybuilding tip is never to train the shoulders before the chest or the back. Neither should the triceps ever precede the chest. The same holds for the biceps, which should be generally trained after the calves and the thighs. When you train abdominals, it should always come after exercises which require core stability like squats, lunges and shoulder press.
Compound Exercises
For faster results, the free bodybuilding tip is to use compound exercises. This means exercises in which more than one joint needs to be moved. Indirectly, more than one muscle group is used and more energy is burnt, and as a result, more muscle fibers are affected just by one exercise. Weight lifting becomes easier and the increase of strength is faster.
Another free bodybuilding tip is to develop an ideal bodybuilding program for yourself, something that suits your body and you feel comfortable doing it. Also, change your program at intervals of six to eight weeks. A balanced program will go a long way to make you a good bodybuilder.
Nutrition and diet is an imperative part of your bodybuilding program and there are several bodybuilding diet plans available which can provide you with useful bodybuilding diet tips as well. Just like the exercise programs, you have to suit the plans to your constitution and requirements.
Plenty of books give free bodybuilding tips on exercises and diet plans, but everything is not to be believed, and sometimes everything cannot be applied to everybody. Most of the magazines write from a ‘hard core’ perspective, where each training is done with 5 to 8 exercises per body part. But if you are looking at a normal full body program comprising of only 2 to 3 exercises, the free bodybuilding tips are of no use.
Use Free Bodybuilding Tips With Care
Rest Intervals
Many experts give free bodybuilding tips on various aspects. Exercise is the most important feature related to bodybuilding. When you are training, a useful free bodybuilding tip is to keep rest intervals between sets at 45 to 60 seconds. This gives your muscles enough time to recover, and at the same time they are fatigued.
Sequence Of Muscles
Another important free bodybuilding tip is to train the biggest muscle groups first. The smaller muscles fatigue faster than the bigger ones, so if they are trained first, the bigger ones do not get a chance to work out properly. There are some free bodybuilding tips given regarding the sequence of the exercises, which every bodybuilder should consider.
The sequence of the muscles to be trained is from the biggest to the smallest ones. The big muscles are the thighs, back and the chest, for which the workout should be done first. If you decide to train all the big muscles on the same day, the order among them does not matter. After this come the smaller muscles, which are the shoulders, biceps, triceps and calves.
The free bodybuilding tip is never to train the shoulders before the chest or the back. Neither should the triceps ever precede the chest. The same holds for the biceps, which should be generally trained after the calves and the thighs. When you train abdominals, it should always come after exercises which require core stability like squats, lunges and shoulder press.
Compound Exercises
For faster results, the free bodybuilding tip is to use compound exercises. This means exercises in which more than one joint needs to be moved. Indirectly, more than one muscle group is used and more energy is burnt, and as a result, more muscle fibers are affected just by one exercise. Weight lifting becomes easier and the increase of strength is faster.
Another free bodybuilding tip is to develop an ideal bodybuilding program for yourself, something that suits your body and you feel comfortable doing it. Also, change your program at intervals of six to eight weeks. A balanced program will go a long way to make you a good bodybuilder.
Nutrition and diet is an imperative part of your bodybuilding program and there are several bodybuilding diet plans available which can provide you with useful bodybuilding diet tips as well. Just like the exercise programs, you have to suit the plans to your constitution and requirements.
Plenty of books give free bodybuilding tips on exercises and diet plans, but everything is not to be believed, and sometimes everything cannot be applied to everybody. Most of the magazines write from a ‘hard core’ perspective, where each training is done with 5 to 8 exercises per body part. But if you are looking at a normal full body program comprising of only 2 to 3 exercises, the free bodybuilding tips are of no use.
Choosing The Best Bodybuilding Tip For A Beautiful Body
In order to achieve your goal in the bodybuilding process, you need a significant amount of time and dedication in order to sculpt your muscles. The process of developing a six pack, for example, is not simple , nor does it happen quickly. There are several books and magazines which give free bodybuilding tips on how people can use the right foods and proper exercise to develop strong, muscular bodies either because they want to take part in a competition, or just want to look good.
The secret to achieving bodybuilding success is a combination of various factors. Several bodybuilding tips are available from experts and before you set out to begin your exercises, you should have a bodybuilding goal. This should be clear, realistic and measurable. Once you have set your goal, you can then follow the bodybuilding tips which many successful bodybuilders write in magazines, books or websites.
Executing a bodybuilding routine and a diet are prime bodybuilding tips. For your muscles, exercise is important, but rest and recovery are considered just as important and should be integrated generously into your bodybuilding program. You might have to change your lifestyle, as you need to train and eat regularly. You need extra planning and preparation of the special diet as a bodybuilder. Think positive, inculcate the mindset of a successful bodybuilder, so that your routine is of utmost importance for you and you will not change in spite of challenges and difficulties.
For your diet a bodybuilding tip would be to add basic bodybuilding supplements to it. This would help to prevent any nutritional deficiencies which may hinder your progress. Your meals should be taken consistently and at regular intervals, preferably five times a day, instead of the normal three meals.
Once you have become an advanced bodybuilder and have mastered your bodybuilding program, you may consider performance enhancing supplements so that you can maximize your results. Some people use steroids as a shortcut to gaining success, but results are often marginal if they are lacking in the bodybuilding basics.
The best bodybuilding tip at the end of the day for success is hard work through consistent and intelligent training. Keep your eyes on the goal, and don’t neglect your diet, including basic bodybuilding supplementation, and you will achieve what you want.
Bodybuilding Nutrition Books: Where And How To Find The Good Ones
Where To Look
The easiest way to find books on bodybuilding and nutrition is to search the internet. Using Google or similar search engine will give you page of results for individual bodybuilding and nutrition books. Most of these books are written by former, or current, bodybuilders. Another good place is the old fashioned book store such as Barnes & Nobles or Walden. These stores usually have a section within either the nutrition or bodybuilding book section of the how-to isle.
How To Look
So we’ve covered where to look for nutritional bodybuilding books, but how do you get through all various titles, articles, reviews and guides out there offering bodybuilding tips. First you need to know what kind of bodybuilding you intend on doing and what your goals are. Knowing what you are aiming for and what you wish to achieve will help you narrow down the choices available. This will eventually lead you to the best titles and resources for your needs.
What To Look For
So now that you have found various reviews and listings for bodybuilding and nutrition books, what next? Knowing what level you are at does help. Are you a beginner looking for basic information, or a competition bodybuilder looking for the newest methods or guides. If you are looking for reviews, look through at least three or more for a bodybuilding or nutrition book that you might like. Never go on what one opinion or article states without checking to see if others are saying similar statements. Try to find forums which talk about various topics. These will usually provide a good source of non-bias review of what is on the market and what to look for.
Once you have compiled a short list of books about bodybuilding and nutrition, it is simply a matter of sitting down and reading one at a time. There is no need to push through the list. Using the books as an information resource is the primary goal. Bodybuilding is both a sport, and a hobby which needs to be taken slowly and seriously. Any book on bodybuilding or nutrition which promises quick results is most likely not a realistic source of information.
The Basics of Nutrition, Dieting, and Bodybuilding
Definition Of A Diet
When people think of a diet, they automatically think of giving up food, being hungry and the pain associated with the task. This is not the proper definition. The definition of a diet is based upon the food choices which are made each day in our lives. A daily diet is something we choose to follow, a routine. The nutritional value of the diet is what needs to be addressed, not the diet itself. In bodybuilding, nutrition is very important to sustain the body and achieve any progress.
Three Good Rules
A good nutritional bodybuilding diet has no room for starving yourself. Doing so will only cause problems. A good nutritional bodybuilding diet has three simple rules:
It needs to involve light frequent meals throughout the day instead of smaller meals.
Every meal needs to have the proper ratio of nutrition. A ratio of 40% carbohydrates, 40% proteins, and 20% good fats is the ideal goal.
Your calories need to be cycled through to prevent the body’s metabolism from getting used to one certain level of caloric intake.
The reasoning for following these three simple rules is just as simple.
This type of diet allows for the fastest absorbtion of food intake
These rules allow for constant intake of the required nutrition to maintain a bodybuilding program
This type of diet will allow for proper balance.
Diet Basics
As with any type of diet, nutrition in bodybuilding can be achieved using a variety of foods and supplements. Protein shakes can be substituted for a real meal. There are also meal replacements which can be used as well. Any good bodybuilding book on nutrition will show how this is done successfully.
As for moving from two or three regular size meals up to five or six small meals; this can be a shock to the body if not done over time. This is the reason why almost every dieter fails in their goals. Set a timeline for yourself which allows for a gradual change over to the new meal plan. Setting a minimum time of five weeks to adjust the caloric intake is a good example. Changing the diet on a bi-weekly basis is another good example. You will need to decide what works best for you to achieve the proper level of nutrition and diet in your bodybuilding program.
A Simple Guide To Bodybuilding Nutrition
When it comes to creating a nutritional guide to bodybuilding, there are four areas which must be addressed.
Carbohydrates are the main source of energy by the body. Carbohydrates release insulin, which is important for two reasons.
The insulin stores the carbohydrates as fat or in muscles
The insulin grabs the amino acids or proteins and stores them in muscles for recovery and repair.
People are overweight because of the absorption of too many carbohydrates and their transfer into fat. This is created by over release of insulin. As a guide in bodybuilding nutrition it is important to know where to find carbohydrates and in what amounts.
Carbohydrates are made of two kinds, complex and simple. Here is a short list of what food is in each category.
Complex – starchy food such as oatmeal, sweet potatoe, pasta, corn and peas. Fibrous food such as broccoli, carrots, cauliflower, lettuce, mushrooms, pepper and spinach.
Simple – apples, bananas, grapefruit, grapes, oranges, pears or pineapple
Utilizing one cup a day of one of these is enough carbohydrates to help maintain muscle.
Proteins make up every tissue in the body from skin and nails to muscle. Everyone who is into bodybuilding needs a nutritional guide of 1.5 grams of protein per pound of lean body mass. Consuming more than this is unnecessary. Every time you consume protein your metabolism increases by 20%. Proteins also help carbohydrates maintain controlled release to effectively provide energy through the day.
Some good examples of food containing proteins are:
Chicken breast
Red meat
Consuming approximately 6-8 ounces of each provides about 35-40 grams of protein.
Fat is an essential requirement for body function. The manufacture of hormones and testosterone along with joint lubrication is based on fat. Without some fat the body will begin creating body fat to maintain itself. Any good guide to bodybuilding nutrition takes this into account.
There are three types of fat:
Saturated fat – this is the fat most associated with heart disease and high cholesterol. Most saturated fats are found from animal origins however some altered vegetable fats can increase saturated fats. Such food as packaged food, coconut, palm oil and non-dairy creamer.
Polyunsaturated fat – this type of fat has no effect on cholesterol and is found in such food as corn oil, soybean, sunflower oil and cottonseed oil.
Monounsaturated fat – this is the good type of fat. These fats are high in essential fatty acids. Food such as canola oil, fish oil, virgin olive oil, and flaxseed oil contain this type of fat.
When it comes to consuming fat, it should be about 20% of your total daily calories.
When it comes to nutrition and bodybuilding, many guides ignore water. Without water no organism would survive long. Most people underestimate the value of water in their nutritional needs.
Water is an important part of any guide for bodybuilding nutrition for the following reasons.
With 65% of the body made of water, most of the muscle cell is water
Water is used to clense the body from toxins and pollutants
Water is required for a host of chemical reactions to aid in energy production, muscle building, and fat burning.
Water is used in joint lubrication by the body.
Water is used as a coolant for the body when outside temperatures are high.
Water is used to control appetite. Drinking water keeps hunger cravings down.
Cold water increases metabolism.
These four needs of proper nutrition should be a part of any nutritional guide for a bodybuilding program.
The Basics Of A Bodybuilding Nutrition Plan
Essential Nutrition Supplements
Having essential nutrition in a bodybuilding plan will require the use of supplements as part of the overall planning. Knowing what your needs and goals are will help you properly utilize nutritional supplements in bodybuilding. The use of supplements is best incorporated as an added bonus to maintaining nutritional needs not as a replacement.
Proper Meal Planning
Maintaining proper nutrition planning during bodybuilding means proper meal planning to gain the most nourishment for your body during the day and the entire training process. While there are basic set requirements in planning meals, such as frequent small meals and a balance of carbohydrate, protein and fat intake, there is no set method of meal planning which fits into everyone’s routine. Here are some general guides for planning to help you along:
Keeping the caloric intake in proper cycling helps with overall muscle building and maintanence.
Planning on using foods that not only fit into the nutritional requirements, but also your personal tastes is essential. Keeping a meal plan does not mean forcing yourself to forgo taste and enjoyment of your food.
Planning meals means keeping at least an informal track of what your caloric and nutritional intake is.
Think up new and innovative recipes to help maintain variety and balance in the nutritional aspect of your program
Do not force yourself into limitations, look around to see what can provide you with the basic needs for your meals.
Nutrition Planning Over Time
Nutritional planning in bodybuilding requires the same amount of persistence and attitude that your physical program requires of you to achieve success. One without the other will not lead to anything but failure. As with physical training, nutritional training takes time to integrate into your daily routine and cannot be achieved overnight.
Move gradually into your dietary goals so that you do not place your body into shock while trying to adjust to new requirements.
The more adjustment you require to adapt to the new dietary values means that much more time required to achieve optimal results for your particular program.
Be sure you are aware of the nutritional requirements of your program and of your body before beginning any changes in diet. Having no clue what it will take to maintain nutritional levels in your program is like not knowing what level of weights you are capable of working with before a workout.
Using these steps as a nutritional guide in bodybuilding will certainly help achieve the desired results for any specific program. Having a nutritional plan for bodybuilding in place will also lead to eventual benefits well down the road after the days of training are over.
Nutritional Supplements And Bodybuilding
Essential Supplements
The basic nutritional supplement needs of bodybuilders cover both multiple vitamin and mineral formulas.
Three grams of vitamin C, split into three equal servings through the day.
200mcg of Chromium Picolinate and essential fatty acids which can be obtained from fish oils, flaxseed oil or extra virgin olive oil.
A good meal replacement or protein powder can be a great method of adding valuable calories and nutrients to the dietary intake.
Performance Enhancement Supplements
These nutritional supplements are for bodybuilding during hard training when the bodybuilder wants to gain the most from their program. The benefits of these supplements are:
Increased recovery
Increased strength
Increased glycogen levels
Enhanced immune system
Higher nitrogen synthesis
While anabolic steroids have achieved a level of prominence for use in bodybuilding there are two more common and more natural nutritional supplements bodybuilders can use. These are Creatine and Glutamine.
Nutritional Bodybuilding Supplements To Aid Fat Burning
While there are a few supplement stacks which may increase your metabolism, thereby helping in the goal of better definition, there are no stand alone supplements. Fat burning supplements are a bonus when the proper use of other supplements is maintained.
Testosterone Boosters
This is another optional nutritional supplement for male bodybuilders who are over 25 years of age. These supplements are on the high end of the price range but can be worth using if you can afford them. Male bodybuilders who are under 25 years old should not make use of these boosters for the reason that their testosterone levels are still balancing out to normal levels for their bodies. There are both natural and science made varieties.
ZMA – this is a scientifically designed anabolic mineral formula. The makeup of this testosterone booster consists of Zinc Monomethionine Aspartate, Magnesium Aspartate and Vitamin B. This is an all natural product used by hard training athletes who normally deplete their body of these essential minerals.
Viraloid - Viraloid is a natural blend of steroidal alkaloids derived from high sterol containing plants which ensure an increase in the body’s own production of testosterone by increasing the Leutenizing Hormone levels in the body. This is a great product for anyone who is looking to boost their hormonal levels naturally.
While the proper maintaining of a weight training program will make use of nutritional supplements, bodybuilding is mainly a program of balance. Without the proper balance of physical training in bodybuilding and nutrition, supplements will not create any useful effects. Proper balancing of physical and nutritional requirements will help achieve a bodybuilders goals in regards to muscle strength, endurance, and growth.
Four Bodybuilding Nutrition Rules
An effective bodybuilding diet has a nutritional focus on high quality proteins spread out in every meal to help the body break the proteins down into amino acids. When a person is involved in bodybuilding, they are involved in intense exercises, increasing the demand from the body for amino acids to help support muscle growth and recovery. Because of this bodybuilding nutrition requires protein intake at every meal. To help with this there are many bodybuilding nutritional supplements available.
Four Simple Rules
Proper bodybuilding nutrition is important for building strong muscle. The nutrition a bodybuilder takes in provides the raw material for growth, energy and recuperation of the body. Without proper planning of the diet, all physical activity will be wasted. Here are four rules to follow for a good nutritional program for bodybuilding.
Rule 1 – use small and frequent meals during the day. This increases metabolism and allows you to burn more fat. If you allow yourself to go for more than three hours without a feeding, your body will begin to burn muscle and not fat.
Rule 2 – properly maintaining the ratio of fat, protein and carbohydrates is a requirement for the body to absorb macronutrients. The proper ratio should follow a guide of 20% fat, 40% protein and 40% carbohydrates. The absence of any one of the three will result in failure of any bodybuilding goals.
Rule 3 – caloric cycling must be maintained to gain muscle fast. For bodybuilders wanting to gain muscle, a cycle of five days of high calories with two days of low calories is recommended. For bodybuilders wanting to loose fat, the cycle is reversed to two days of high calories and five days of low calories.
Rule 4 – the composition of muscle is mostly protein. To allow muscle to grow, sufficient levels of protein must be maintained. After a heavy workout you should consume a liquid meal or protein shake to maximize the protein absorption. This results in building strong muscle.
If you want to maintain proper nutrition during bodybuilding, following these four rules is essential. Gaining muscle should be the achievement, while gaining strong healthy muscle should be the goal. With this mindset any bodybuilding accomplishment will be a lasting achievement.
Natural Bodybuilding Workout: Forget Those Steroids
A natural bodybuilding workout should be designed with some knowledge of the subject, or under the supervision of a trainer. Particularly when we start out, we tend to push ourselves too far, risking injury. In any natural bodybuilding workout, we need to establish a routine that pushes our bodies hard enough to gain the growth, without diminishing our goals by inflicting injury.
Using steroids to attain faster growth instead persevering with the natural bodybuilding workout may seem like an attractive alternative while we’re huffing and puffing, but make no mistake, there are side effects that could destroy your false sense of achievement. Joseph Krachenfels, in his article “Natural Bodybuilding Discussed”, lists some of the side effects of anabolic steroids as acne, baldness, headaches, kidney problems, impotence, high blood pressure and soft tissues injuries. Not worth it. Steady, sustained growth with proper bodybuilding nutrition is the way to go for a clean, healthy, happy life.
Despite your initial enthusiasm, during your natural bodybuilding workout, don’t over train. Muscle or tissue injury and / or exhaustion is neither beneficial nor encouraging. ‘Success’ is in every session done properly and safely, not in the punishment you can take. Warm up before you start your natural bodybuilding workout with stretching exercises and some cardio-vascular, like a few minutes on the treadmill.
Vary your exercises to include all the muscle groups – and focus on doing them properly. Swinging your body to achieve a lift is using your weight instead of your muscles. Concentrate on form rather than weight.
Proper nutrition, proper sleep and a healthy attitude, as well as your natural bodybuilding workout, could just turn you into the person you’re been longing to be.
Don’t Try My Natural Bodybuilding Workout!
My own natural bodybuilding workout went something like this:
Position: armchair. Six-pack on the stomach. (I presumed that was to keep me from swinging my body to lift the weights.) Grasp a beer can in the right hand, (being careful to alternate hands after each set) then slowly lifted to the mouth, keeping the elbow steady, and then lowering it again to the starting position.
My arms definitely got stronger during the routine, because the cans seemed to get progressively lighter. But I gave it up – the stomach became too well developed.
Note of caution: Ladies, if your partner is balding, carrying too much soft tissue, goes to the loo four time a night and claims to have a headache when you’re all coy – please don’t accuse him of using steroids! There could be another cause.
Beginner Bodybuilding Workout, Don’t Try Shortcuts
Ironically, causing limited damage is part of the bodybuilding process, but it’s controlled! When you start out with a beginner bodybuilding workout, you can train more often than the more experienced and more advanced people can. Why? As you get more experienced, you push your body harder and inflict more damage, which takes the body longer to recover from! Great, so you’re injuring yourself on purpose? Yup. You’re inflicting limited damage to the muscle, which makes the body repair the damage, and it overcompensates slightly – or grows - in preparation for future workouts! So you’re starting a cycle of damage and recovery, session after session.
The experienced bodybuilder learns to push his muscles, but he knows where his limits are. He incurs fair damage and needs that recovery period. The beginner on a beginner bodybuilding workout, on the other hand, gets pretty sore, but doesn’t inflict the same amount of damage, and recovers faster. Now you know – so ensure you get plenty of rest and sleep to help your body to recover.
Establishing A Beginner Bodybuilding Workout
To establish a beginner bodybuilding workout that’s right for you, your trainer will look you over, weigh you, check your height and relation between height and weight, establish your percentage body fat, check blood pressure, and so on. When he’s appraised you, he’ll work out the appropriate beginner bodybuilding workout for you.
You’ll be able to start training three or preferably four times a week, alternating the muscle groups you’re working on, so that you’re probably training each muscle perhaps twice a week.
Even in a beginner bodybuilding workout, it is very important to start your routine with warm-up or stretching exercises. Chances are that they’ll start you with some cardio-vascular activities – the cycle one day, the treadmill the next time, followed by some rowing, or similar, before you get to the weights and your circuit training.
A well supervised beginner bodybuilding workout routine will build you in a pleasant, positive manner, limiting the muscle damage to what is required for growth, without causing severe damage that will prohibit your development later.
Don’t be ‘cavalier’ about your training. Start with a beginner bodybuilding workout and enjoy the fruits of planned, pleasant and sustained growth.
Bodybuilding Chest Workout: Combating The Rum And Maple!
In case it isn’t already obvious, I am no dedicated bodybuilder. My enthusiasm comes and goes at more or less regular intervals. I am not competitive. However, that doesn’t mean that I cannot thoroughly enjoy my time at the gym and luxuriate in the feeling of getting those tired, flagging, muscles working again and opening up the old arteries. Even if it means that I never progress beyond the beginner bodybuilding workout stage. The joy is not in the competition; it’s in the moment.
As I was saying, I enjoy some more than others, and I probably enjoy the bodybuilding chest workout the most. The feeling of those chest exercises gets my blood rushing and the heart feeling really good. They get my vote for the routines I enjoy the most. And more than any other, the bodybuilding chest workout gets those lungs opened up and feeling strong, instead of winded and gagging.
Some of the other routines leave me feeling punished and even resentful (dumb, I know), but the reward is in getting to do the others! The bodybuilding chest workout isn’t the only one I enjoy – don’t get that idea! I’m not fixating on bodybuilding chest workouts to the exclusion of anything else. Some workouts may not be firm favourites to look forward to, but while I’m doing them, I enjoy them. Others I really look forward to, then while I’m doing them, I wonder why!
As mentioned before, it’s all good.
Back To The Bodybuilding Chest Workout
Obviously one alternates, but bench press is one of my favourites in any bodybuilding chest workout. On the bench, the wide grip, the narrow grip and the decline bench press. And, of course, dumbbell flyes on a flat bench, an inclined and a declined bench.
Can’t escape the crossover cables in a bodybuilding chest workout, the high crossover cables for the lower pecs and inner pecs, and the low crossover cables for those difficult inner pecs. Nice change after the pushing and squeezing to be pulling for a change! The first few feel like a comparative holiday, until the pecs start objecting.
Then back to pressing in the seated chest presses.
Perhaps the bodybuilding chest workout isn’t all fun after all – but that exhilarating feeling of complete free flow afterwards is SO worth any discomfort!
Bodybuilding Chest Workout: Combating The Rum And Maple!
In case it isn’t already obvious, I am no dedicated bodybuilder. My enthusiasm comes and goes at more or less regular intervals. I am not competitive. However, that doesn’t mean that I cannot thoroughly enjoy my time at the gym and luxuriate in the feeling of getting those tired, flagging, muscles working again and opening up the old arteries. Even if it means that I never progress beyond the beginner bodybuilding workout stage. The joy is not in the competition; it’s in the moment.
As I was saying, I enjoy some more than others, and I probably enjoy the bodybuilding chest workout the most. The feeling of those chest exercises gets my blood rushing and the heart feeling really good. They get my vote for the routines I enjoy the most. And more than any other, the bodybuilding chest workout gets those lungs opened up and feeling strong, instead of winded and gagging.
Some of the other routines leave me feeling punished and even resentful (dumb, I know), but the reward is in getting to do the others! The bodybuilding chest workout isn’t the only one I enjoy – don’t get that idea! I’m not fixating on bodybuilding chest workouts to the exclusion of anything else. Some workouts may not be firm favourites to look forward to, but while I’m doing them, I enjoy them. Others I really look forward to, then while I’m doing them, I wonder why!
As mentioned before, it’s all good.
Back To The Bodybuilding Chest Workout
Obviously one alternates, but bench press is one of my favourites in any bodybuilding chest workout. On the bench, the wide grip, the narrow grip and the decline bench press. And, of course, dumbbell flyes on a flat bench, an inclined and a declined bench.
Can’t escape the crossover cables in a bodybuilding chest workout, the high crossover cables for the lower pecs and inner pecs, and the low crossover cables for those difficult inner pecs. Nice change after the pushing and squeezing to be pulling for a change! The first few feel like a comparative holiday, until the pecs start objecting.
Then back to pressing in the seated chest presses.
Perhaps the bodybuilding chest workout isn’t all fun after all – but that exhilarating feeling of complete free flow afterwards is SO worth any discomfort!
The Bodybuilding Workout Schedule For Scrawny Dudes!
There is a valid reason for this, for which you would not just openly admit. You are scrawny and can’t seem to stand your man, and every one likes to walk all over you as if you were the doormat? You wondered why you were single, and this is part of the reason, you feel inferior. So you decide to take on the challenge of trying to begin with the bodybuilding workout schedule.
So you need to have a fixed bodybuilding workout schedule to foodstuff and exercise routine. You got it, did you write it down, or print it? Is the pen or the mouse a wee bit too heavy? Get on with it; exert that pea that is sitting in your upper arm waiting to pop.
Ok, get on with it, you’re in the shopping mall and you need to buy dozens of eggs that need to be swallowed raw, just a wee boost to your protein. And for you the beginner, you would really need to consume a lot more carbohydrates. You cant be a bodybuilder who is as skinny as an Ethiopian you would have to put some meat on those bones of yours first so that you can get on with your bodybuilding chest workout.
Serious Contenders Needed For A Bodybuilding Workout Schedule
Now that you got the worst side of it, you would seriously start by having to exert muscle power, not just thought. Begin with the breathing exercises, the starting map of all bodybuilding workout schedules.
Breathe in deep and release the carbon dioxide from your body slowly via the mouth as if you were pouting your mouth with a gap for the air to flow out. If you feel you are going to keel over don’t worry you wont, its just your heart and lungs working out in your chest and getting a good stretch. The best cardio exercise is just a brisk walk at first, now that should already be in your bodybuilding workout schedule.
While doing this, after you have recovered 3 days later, from your first physical exertion you might feel despondent, and have developed a phobia for pain, don’t worry, the more you exercise the more your body will get used to it, and the pain will no longer be there.
The trick is to keep on exercising even if your muscles ache, then you know you are exerting effort, and you are succeeding in realizing your bodybuilding work schedule!
The Bodybuilding Workout Schedule For Scrawny Dudes!
There is a valid reason for this, for which you would not just openly admit. You are scrawny and can’t seem to stand your man, and every one likes to walk all over you as if you were the doormat? You wondered why you were single, and this is part of the reason, you feel inferior. So you decide to take on the challenge of trying to begin with the bodybuilding workout schedule.
So you need to have a fixed bodybuilding workout schedule to foodstuff and exercise routine. You got it, did you write it down, or print it? Is the pen or the mouse a wee bit too heavy? Get on with it; exert that pea that is sitting in your upper arm waiting to pop.
Ok, get on with it, you’re in the shopping mall and you need to buy dozens of eggs that need to be swallowed raw, just a wee boost to your protein. And for you the beginner, you would really need to consume a lot more carbohydrates. You cant be a bodybuilder who is as skinny as an Ethiopian you would have to put some meat on those bones of yours first so that you can get on with your bodybuilding chest workout.
Serious Contenders Needed For A Bodybuilding Workout Schedule
Now that you got the worst side of it, you would seriously start by having to exert muscle power, not just thought. Begin with the breathing exercises, the starting map of all bodybuilding workout schedules.
Breathe in deep and release the carbon dioxide from your body slowly via the mouth as if you were pouting your mouth with a gap for the air to flow out. If you feel you are going to keel over don’t worry you wont, its just your heart and lungs working out in your chest and getting a good stretch. The best cardio exercise is just a brisk walk at first, now that should already be in your bodybuilding workout schedule.
While doing this, after you have recovered 3 days later, from your first physical exertion you might feel despondent, and have developed a phobia for pain, don’t worry, the more you exercise the more your body will get used to it, and the pain will no longer be there.
The trick is to keep on exercising even if your muscles ache, then you know you are exerting effort, and you are succeeding in realizing your bodybuilding work schedule!
Keeping Your Check With A Bodybuilding Workout Program
As all people who are into bodybuilding know, muscles tear badly when you exercise and if you do not allow them to heal you could cause yourself even more injury. Your bodybuilding workout program should go hand in hand with your bodybuilding workout schedule. The trick is find what works for you and the only way that you can do that is by knowing which muscle groups you want to target.
However you have to always try to gain muscle mass from natural resources like protein so that you don’t get tempted to go the steroid route. Most gyms will hep you with this but if you understand the way that a bodybuilding workout program will help you to achieve this then you will be much better off.
No Easy Solutions To Bodybuilding Workout Programs
You should not always try to find the easy solution. The best way to get into your bodybuilding workout program is to have personal trainer help you map one out. Set yourself small targets that you can reach as they are part of an overall bigger picture which you have to achieve.
It is also ok to start small as this means that you don’t rush into something that you might turn out not to like. Remember that body mass will be indicated by your own personal skeleton and bone structure. Like women who try to be sizes zero bodybuilding can make you feel tat you need to compete with all the other.
Your bodybuilding workout program helps to teach about patience, which is required if you want to successfully reach your target. And the best way to get to know how the to tailor your bodybuilding workout program is by talking to other bodybuilders who are often willing to help each other reach their overall dreams.
So no need to shy away from all the help that you could be getting to help you achieve your dream of a wonderfully fit and healthy body, but most of all a body of the gods that other men will envy.