Use Free Bodybuilding Tips With Care

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Bodybuilding requires a lot of hard work and you have to be consistent in whatever you do. The key to bodybuilding is to add muscle to the body and for that you have to fatigue the muscles. The process involves the use of rest intervals, exercise orders and control of diet.

Rest Intervals

Many experts give free bodybuilding tips on various aspects. Exercise is the most important feature related to bodybuilding. When you are training, a useful free bodybuilding tip is to keep rest intervals between sets at 45 to 60 seconds. This gives your muscles enough time to recover, and at the same time they are fatigued.

Sequence Of Muscles

Another important free bodybuilding tip is to train the biggest muscle groups first. The smaller muscles fatigue faster than the bigger ones, so if they are trained first, the bigger ones do not get a chance to work out properly. There are some free bodybuilding tips given regarding the sequence of the exercises, which every bodybuilder should consider.

The sequence of the muscles to be trained is from the biggest to the smallest ones. The big muscles are the thighs, back and the chest, for which the workout should be done first. If you decide to train all the big muscles on the same day, the order among them does not matter. After this come the smaller muscles, which are the shoulders, biceps, triceps and calves.

The free bodybuilding tip is never to train the shoulders before the chest or the back. Neither should the triceps ever precede the chest. The same holds for the biceps, which should be generally trained after the calves and the thighs. When you train abdominals, it should always come after exercises which require core stability like squats, lunges and shoulder press.

Compound Exercises

For faster results, the free bodybuilding tip is to use compound exercises. This means exercises in which more than one joint needs to be moved. Indirectly, more than one muscle group is used and more energy is burnt, and as a result, more muscle fibers are affected just by one exercise. Weight lifting becomes easier and the increase of strength is faster.


Another free bodybuilding tip is to develop an ideal bodybuilding program for yourself, something that suits your body and you feel comfortable doing it. Also, change your program at intervals of six to eight weeks. A balanced program will go a long way to make you a good bodybuilder.

Nutrition and diet is an imperative part of your bodybuilding program and there are several bodybuilding diet plans available which can provide you with useful bodybuilding diet tips as well. Just like the exercise programs, you have to suit the plans to your constitution and requirements.

Plenty of books give free bodybuilding tips on exercises and diet plans, but everything is not to be believed, and sometimes everything cannot be applied to everybody. Most of the magazines write from a ‘hard core’ perspective, where each training is done with 5 to 8 exercises per body part. But if you are looking at a normal full body program comprising of only 2 to 3 exercises, the free bodybuilding tips are of no use.


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