3 Best Exercises for Chest Mass

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A powerful, dense, muscular chest is high on the list of most body builders, both pro}} and amateur. Unfortunately, there is so much bad info out there when it comes to properly working the pecs}} that chests like I just described are becoming rare these days.

The big key to building the chest you want is to select exercises that maximally activate the pectoral motor units. The first movement that springs to mind for most body builders when they think of chest exercises is the barbell bench press. But the bench press is not a great pec builder unless you happen to have the optimal leverage for it. On top of that, most people do the bench press incorrectly. If you put together bad leverages and bad technique it's no wonder you feel the bench more in your delts and triceps than in your chest!

Let's take a look at three of my favorite chest building exercises. It is important to keep in mind that if these are done with bad technique you are short-changing your muscle gains and may be setting yourself up for injury. To prevent this from happening make sure to get some technique tips from an expert so that you can build the chest you want without getting hurt.

Paused Barbell Bench Press
I realize I just got finished saying that the flat bench press is not the best chest building exercise, however there are particular variations that do hit the chest rather well, assuming you perform them properly. The paused barbell bench press is one such variation. By pausing the bar at the chest for one to ten seconds before pressing it back to lockout you eliminate the stretch reflex and lose any stored elastic energy you created during the eccentric. This will make pressing the weight back up much more difficult, but it will also require your pecs to create a huge amount of force in order to launch the weight from your chest back to the starting position.

Standing Cable Crossovers
While different versions of the bench press are good, to really isolate on the pecs you need to work on the flying motion. This can be done with a variety of exercises, but I really prefer the cable crossover here because of the consistent tension the pulley gives you throughout the entire range of motion. The key here is to concentrate on getting a good stretch at the start and continuing to keep constant tension on the pecs throughout the entire movement. This is a fantastic concluding exercise to any chest session.

45-degree Incline DB Bench Press
One of the typical complaints of bodybuilders is not just their overall chest size, but their upper chest size especially. Incline chest exercises are a great solution to this because they emphasize the clavicular portion of the pectorals, which gives the appearance of a more full chest, without giving you a saggy looking chest. The use of dumbbells is a good addition here as they will allow you to get a deeper stretch in the bottom of the exercise. This deep stretch stimulates a lot of underused motor units in the upper pectorals which can spur new muscle growth.

Keep in mind that while these exercises are great for building a muscular chest, they must be done with the proper technique in order to get the most benefit.

About the Author

See video and get tips on flat DB bench press and more of the best exercises to build chest strength

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The Best Triceps Exercises

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The triceps are one of the most underrated muscle groups. After all, they contribute significantly more to your overall arm size than your biceps, and they are a key muscle group in all pressing exercises. Is there a lifter out there who doesn't want bigger arms and a stronger bench press?

With this is in mind it should seem obvious that building your triceps should be a priority if you want to get bigger and stronger. The problem is that most bodybuilders don't know how to train their triceps properly. You will often see bodybuilders wasting valuable energy on things like pushdowns and kickbacks. Now, there isn't anything wrong with these exercises, but the majority of your time would be much better spent on compound exercises which allow for heavy loads to be used.

In fact, you simply can't properly stimulate all of the muscle fibers in the triceps without incorporating some exercises which allow for heavy weights to be used. In general it is best to hit 1 or 2 heavy compound exercises and then move on to an isolation exercise to squeeze the last little bit out of your muscles.

With this in mind let's take a look at three great exercises for your triceps:

Triceps Skullcrushers

This is probably the bodybuilding exercise with the scariest name. After all, who wants their skull crushed? But the exercise is aptly named because it is performed lying down on your back on a bench with a barbell at arm's length. You will then flex at the elbows and lower the bar until it touches your forehead. Obviously if you do this in an uncontrolled manner it will hurt your skull!
The key to this exercise is to make sure the stress stays on the triceps. To do this you want the elbows tucked in and pointed towards the ceiling. It is important that you only flex and straighten the elbows and that you do not move them forward or backward, or you will shift the stress off the triceps.
While this exercise is traditionally done by touching the bar to the forehead, you can vary the point at which you touch in order target specific sections of the triceps. In general, shifting lower on the body, such as the chin, will hit the medial head harder, while shifting higher on the body will hit the long head harder.

Triceps Dips

This is the classic tricep mass builder. Dips are probably responsible for building more tricep msucle mass than any other exercise. This is from the combination of heavy loading and targeted stress that they provide to the triceps. When you first begin lifting you may have difficulty completing more than a couple of these, but as you progress it is important to continue adding weight by using a dumbbell between your feet or a specialized dip belt. The addition of external loading will allow you to continue to progress in this exercise once you are capable of easily handling your body weight.
As with most triceps exercises, the key to proper performance is to keep your elbows tight to the body. This means using a close grip on the dip bars. It also means that you should use an upright posture without too much forward lean. Leaning forward shifts more of the stress to the deltoids and chest, which is not what we want for our goal of bigger triceps. Optimally, you should descend into the bottom of the exercise until your upper arms were parallel with the ground. However, this may cause shoulder pain in a good percentage of lifters, and in this case you should either shorten the range of motion or discard the exercise altogether.

Close-grip Bench Press

If this isn't the king of the triceps exercises, then it is pretty close. The ability to use heavy loads due to synergy from your pecs and front deltoids allows you to completely overload the triceps and force them to grow. While you want to work on continually getting stronger, you should not sacrifice correct form for weight. With this exercise it important to keep the elbows tucked into your body throughout the movement in order to keep as much stress as possible on the triceps. Even with a close grip the stress can be taken off of the triceps and onto the elbow joints if you don't keep the elbows tucked in tight. This obviously not only diminishes your muscle growth, but can lead to elbow and wrist problems as well.

As you can see perfect technique is crucial to your success with triceps exercises, just as it is with all exercises. You can perform exercises incorrectly and still get some of the benefit, but you will never see great results and you may just hurt yourself in the process. Because of this it is highly recommended that you learn how to do these exercises properly from an expert in the field.

About the Author

See video and get tips on California Presses and other exercises in the free body building exercises technique guide.

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Do sportsmen or sports ladies need body building supplemnts

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Here is the latest opinion regarding body building supplements.
When you are looking for top advice about body building supplements, it will be easier said than done separating value-packed advice from ill-advised body building supplements submissions and help so it's prudent to know ways of moderating the information offered to you.

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About the author:

hugh campbell is the webmaster for http://www.body-buildingsupplements- 1st.info
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Information About natural bodybuilding

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It may sound surprising but it is possible to build your body naturally. You could be doing any type of work but you will actually develop some muscles while doing it. Natural bodybuilding has become a sport. In the process of natural development of the body there is no use of any artificial substances. You have to remain free of drugs for 5 years and prove it.

There are many substances that are banned from people to use who take part in natural weightlifting competitions. You must understand the different kinds of drugs and foods and the reason for them being banned. They can be found in various forms like:
• different supplements
• foods
anabolic agents
• narcotic analgesics
• many peptide hormones

For taking part in natural weightlifting you have to be careful about a few things like:
• you can't use any artificial means to increase muscle mass
• staying totally drug-free for five years
• taking blood, urine, other tests

Natural way of developing muscle mass is a great way to improve your health, fitness as well as life. For most competitions you must stay away from banned substances for more than a year, and you must be careful as they have strict rules if you test positive. You may be banned for competing for life. In fact you will see that it is more fun to develop your body without using any artificial means. These competitions are also good for people who don't want to use banned substances.

People of all ages, women as well as children can take part in natural bodybuilding and weight lifting. You need to keep free from products that have been banned to take part in any natural competition.

Article Source: http://www.approvedarticles.com

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